Saturday, April 11

News Update

Another week has passed and we have journeyed south from the shore of Lake Superior. We are currently enjoying staying with Aunt Helen in Lawrence KS. If this is not the middle of the prairie, you must be able to see it from here! We have enjoyed a good week with family visiting until Thursday, whereupon we also headed out. Our first incident was having a passing vehicle throw a rock at us. It has ruined the windshield, so we'll try to get that replaced somewhere along the trip. We stopped the first night just south of Minneapolis in a blinding snowstorm. Fortunately, it had cleared by morning, so while we saw lots of evidence of vehicles in the median and the ditches, we had a good trip the rest of the way south. The markets have been good, and I have caught up to my first quarter quota, and am in pretty good shape toward the quota for this month. I plan to check with the bus people when I get back from the States and see what they have to offer me. The world championships of curling ended with Pat Simmons gaining a bronze medal, but, of course, that is never good enough for us! This weekend they're playing the Players Championship in curling, so I'll monitor that. It's Masters week in golf, and I'm enjoying watching Jordan Spieth; I hope he can finish it off tomorrow. Baseball has started, and Erin is keeping me updated on the Jays games—thanks! Hockey season has ended and five Canadian teams made the playoffs, which is quite an improvement over recent years. Boston and Philadelphia did not make it, so at this point, I don't even have anyone to cheer against! I'll be hoping our Canadian teams do well, while picking NYRangers and Chicago Black Hawks as the favourites to win their divisions. 

Eric/A and the boys started the week with us; we were very glad to have some time with them although they all suffered a bit with coughs. Haaken felt it was a no good, very bad week! However, they were glad to catch up with many friends both in Thunder Bay and Kenora. On Monday they arranged an Easter Egg treasure hunt for Haaken, Liam, Gemma and Andrew. They stopped by the board office in Kenora where Erica used to work, and enjoyed catching up on things there, including a tour of a school addition that had been completed after Erica left. By the time they got back to Regina, they were glad to greet Bern, Alicia and Logan returning from Mexico, and then retreat to Rich and Sue's house for a sick day! 

Erin and Kristian had a good weekend in Medicine Hat. Kristian is enjoying his spring break at the Y day care. Erin is enjoying the beginning of baseball season. I enjoy being able to chat with her about how her beloved Blue Jays are doing. Today they took advantage of the great weather to go on an outing to the park where Kristian did a lot of rollerblading. 

Travis and Joanna picked up some bonus work with Puck Shots, so that was a nice surprise. Joanna and Gemma also picked up another wedding set up. Andrew and Gemma did not have a spring break, so after Easter Monday, they were back to school. This weekend, Gemma is enjoying doing a spring cleaning of her room and closet! A lot of stuff got purged! 

And that's about it for this week. 

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