Saturday, August 23

News Update

Another week has passed; it has seen us pass from the shore of the Pacific to the shore of the Wascana in the middle of the prairie! We have returned to Dad's place and are enjoying his hospitality and company once again. We plan to head home next week—it's a promise! We enjoyed Sunday in Victoria where we caught up with Rich & Sue and enjoyed their presentation on Zambia. We also enjoyed catching up with many friends in Victoria, and the special hospitality of Steve & Joan—thanks a lot! On Monday, we headed east across the ocean via ferry and up to Lake Okanagan where we enjoyed a couple of days courtesy of John & Marion—thanks so much for a great time! It seems we are receiving a lot of gracious treatment and we truly appreciate it. The markets have had their ups and downs with the turmoil in Ukraine causing some nervousness. However, I have enjoyed a good week of above quota gains—more graciousness! The Riders have been preparing all week for their game tomorrow at BC. Go Riders, Go! The Jays have floundered their way out of the playoffs, and will need a big turnaround to get back into the race—c'mon guys! 

Erica supervised the departure of stuff, this week was the departure of people as we headed east on Monday. Liam and Erica are camping in the living room now that the carpets have been cleaned. They've made the best of it with wrestling, pillow fights, ghost stories, movies... Erica suggested they go for pedicures, but Liam demurred. Now, Liam is gone for the weekend with the Robinsons to Vancouver for the PNE. Erica got some good news that the new apartment will be ready on Monday, so they can move in and be established before they have to move out of their current place. She had visions of driving back after the long weekend to an empty apartment and sleeping on the floor—already tried that! Eric started his new job and is really enjoying it. He and Haaken are making do with the motorcycle for now, but riding season isn't quite as long in PA as it is in Parksville! The two of them rode down to Fort Qu'Appelle for a Bailey reunion this weekend.

With our return to Regina, Kristian enjoyed his reunion with his mom and his dog!
It has been wonderful to have him travel with us since he travels so well, and provides good companionship. However, now we need to go home, and he needs to get ready for school. Erin celebrated her birthday on Monday with the discovery of a bed bug—not the kind of surprise one wants any day! 

Trav and Joanna keep us updated on things in TBay. It is a great relief for us to have them taking care of things while we gallivant. We look forward to seeing them all again in the coming week. 

And that's about it for this week.

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