Another week has passed as we have journeyed across the middle of the prairie and down to our home on the shore of Lake Superior where the women are strong, the men are handsome and all of the children are above average! Our summer-long trip across western Canada has been completed; we have enjoyed gracious treatment throughout our journey. Recently we spent a night at Gary & Barb's Hilltop Ranch, and enjoyed catching up with them, thanks. We continued to Regina and spent a few more days at Dad's, thanks. Then we drove to Winnipeg and spent a couple of nights with Mike & Peggy, thanks. A special feature this week was a golf game at the beautiful Falcon Lake course. Tom, Mike and I enjoyed fine weather and the beautiful setting, so while the golf was not stellar it was a great day all the same! On Wednesday, we completed the trip, and enjoyed the comfort of home and family with Trav, Joanna, Gemma, Andrew and a small zoo that has also taken up residence in our house! I was able to do some of the preparations for bus driving, but other things will have to be completed over the weekend. I have also picked up some lawn mowing work for one of my friends here, so it's been a busy few days since we got back. The markets continue to be troubled by news from Ukraine, but I was blessed with a great week to complete a very good month. The Riders have been preparing for the traditional Labour Day classic set for tomorrow in Regina, and received a welcome addition as Weston Dressler has returned to Rider Nation. Blue Jays continue to struggle and thus are not improving their chances of getting back into the playoff race.
Liam and Erica completed the move out of the townhouse this week. While they planned to move into a smaller place, it was determined that such a move was unsuitable, so they are thankful to have received lodgings with one of their friends out there. Life is full of surprises! On Thursday they set off on a road trip to Saskatchewan. They left Parksville at 3:30, stopped overnight in Kamloops and completed the trip to Prince Albert on Friday, arriving at 2AM Saturday morning—quite the trip! Eric and Haaken had a great weekend in Fort Qu'Appelle at the family reunion, but got drenched on the return trip. This week has been spent working, unpacking boxes, and setting up the new place. Over the weekend the family will split up again. Eric will be getting Liam settled at Briercrest while Erica and Haaken head back to Parksville to start grade 12 whenever the teachers and the BC government settle their differences.
Kristian has been at the YMCA summer camp all week. He has demonstrated cheerful cooperation in getting back to an early morning schedule after a relaxing summer with Grandma & Grandpa! There was also a dental appointment for another filling for Kristian. Erin had a great week of work, finding out about a raise in salary. She has initiated discussions on the viability of purchasing her own place. We wish her well.
Trav, Joanna and crew have been enjoying a fine summer in Thunder Bay. Regular work keeps them busy and school preparations for Gemma and Andrew added to the agenda this week. They seem to have settled well into the suite even though some renovations remain to be completed.
And that's about it for this week!
Trav, Joanna and crew have been enjoying a fine summer in Thunder Bay. Regular work keeps them busy and school preparations for Gemma and Andrew added to the agenda this week. They seem to have settled well into the suite even though some renovations remain to be completed.
And that's about it for this week!