Saturday, July 12

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been good, so I've managed to keep up with my lawn care business, and still get out for some golf practice on occasion (still no game, sigh!). The renovations have moved forward nicely, and the downstairs bedrooms are pretty much trimmed out. Wendy has been very busy with painting, and is painting baseboard material again this evening, so, I'll be back at my end of the job soon! The markets have been troubled and the TSX is in the red for the month, and so is my portfolio. The Jays have continued to flounder on an extended road trip, and have fallen several games back in the standings. The Riders are trying to regroup after getting pounded by the Argos. Tonight they lost at home against the BC Lions. It was a hard-fought game, but once again the offense struggled to gain yards or put points on the board. C'mon Riders!

Eric and Liam are busy preparing for their move to Saskatchewan. Erica is just busy as the Teachers' Strike continues, so there's a lot of extra aspects to cover from a management perspective. Haaken has completed his first week at Emily Carr University in Vancouver.

Erin and Kristian are continuing to work through the complications of a summer schedule. We've enjoyed a couple of FaceTime chats with them through the week. 

Trav and Joanna have been occupied with getting stuff moved all week. Things are taking shape as they get the rooms set up. I believe they will officially move in tonight, and we'll be glad to have them! Gemma and Andrew are enjoying their time in TO. Andrew's room is pretty much ready as well. Gemma's still needs baseboards. 

And that's about it for this week. 

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