Another beautiful week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. School bus driving is going fine, and I had a couple of charters this week. The weather has remained lovely, and the garden has continued to produce as we continue to await our first frost. I was picking beans and tomatoes today—what a great flavour when you get a tomato that has ripened on the vine! I've tried to clean up on the Swiss chard, as we still have beet greens to harvest. The markets have not gone well as the Tea Party Terrorists have sabotaged the US markets and that seems to play even worse up here. I was down again this week, and will almost certainly end up down for the month as well. Sigh! The Jays are playing meaningful baseball in their final series as they've taken two games from Tampa and injected themselves into the pennant race. The Riders played another poor game on Sunday and have fallen into a second place tie. They will need to win tomorrow, or they'll drop into third place. C'mon guys! Wendy has been busy all week at work. She only had a couple of scheduled shifts, but they keep calling her in for extra work. She's finding it fairly tiring, made more so by the level of disorganization she's finding there! We got our new patio doors delivered on Tuesday, so I pulled out the old set and installed the new ones; some hours of trim work remains. And to cap things off, we got hacked on our gmail address, and sent out a spam email to Wendy's entire address book. Sorry about that!
Erica enjoyed a trip to Hornby Island to their outdoor education centre. It was rainy and miserable, but a lousy day on Hornby beats a day in the office! Liam continues with hockey and school. He had one interesting day where he got two wasp stings and came home early from school. Haaken is working on school and the movie project. Eric has started his temp job at Nanaimo Association for Community Living. He also got a call for an interview on another job with actual counselling hours, so we are praying that works out. The whole crew is in Victoria this weekend as Erica has a trustees conference. They are enjoying a stay at Bear Mountain resort.
Erin and Kristian completed birthday celebrations and continue with work and school. Kristian has decided not to do tae kwon do. He is now enrolled for indoor soccer. He had an encouraging audiology examination and report. He has experienced no further hearing loss, and his hearing aids are functioning well. It is almost time to be considering replacement of the hearing aids, but it seems the prices have come down a lot since he got these about five years ago.
Trav has worked his new hockey team through preparations for the new season. They had two exhibition games this week, winning the first 2-0, and are playing again tonight. Joanna is very busy at work; she is also working with Trav on Ulrichdesign jobs and then there's being a mom—that's about three full-time jobs! Gemma has been ill this week.
And that's about enough for this week.