Saturday, February 16

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Wascana in the middle of the prairie. The weather has remained mild, with a bit more snow from time to time. A blizzard blew through mid-week, but we seem to have missed most of it! Another one is threatened for this weekend—I hope we miss it as well! School bus driving continues routinely, and now school is out next week, so I'll have a week off. The markets ran up nicely the first three days, but then someone reminded traders of the damaged economy in Europe and we had a sharp sell-off that returned me a small loss on the week. Dad continues with his home workouts, but his scheduled outing for the week was postponed due to the expected storm on Thursday. Wendy keeps up with therapy on her finger. It seems to be moving more and hurting just as much! Yikes! Scotties curling begins today, so I'm looking forward to a week of that. Manitoba and BC won the junior championships, and I'm sure Manitoba will be a favourite at the Scotties, but not with me! NHL continues their compressed season, and Dad has even worked out how to watch his beloved Leafs on his laptop! We enjoyed our time in Gravelbourg last weekend—thanks Gerry & Lorna! Thanks also to the congregation there for providing warm fellowship. We tried to catch Elvin & Grace on the way home, but after missing out then, we are planning an excursion over there in the coming week. The car began whining on the way home from Gravelbourg, and we think it's probably a wheel bearing, so I took it into Kal-Tire today. I'm sure they have a long list of stuff they would love to do for me, but I will be happy for them to replace the wheel bearing! 

Eric has returned to The Pas; Erica has returned to being Mr & Mrs Mum and taxi service. Liam's hockey season is ending, but he looks forward to some further hockey play in tournaments. Haaken continues with school, guitar lessons and life as a prospective driver! 

Erin, Kristian and Mark are doing well. Kristian enjoys activities with the Roberts side as there are many cousins over there. Mark and I play Farkle regularly and Scrabble irregularly! Some people think the scheduling has to do with the success rate he enjoys in the respective games!! Kristian has a fresh haircut to go with his missing teeth. 

Trav, Joanna, Gemma and Andrew continue with work, sports and life in TBay. The latest action for the Elks hockey team is described on Trav's blog.

And that's about it for this week. 

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