Saturday, October 27

News Update

Another week has passed and we have journeyed from the shore of Lake Superior to the shore of the Atlantic Ocean in Florida. We are staying at Port St. Lucie at a PGA resort. The trip down was a bit extra interesting as on the final leg of our flight from Charlotte down to West Palm Beach we were skirting hurricane Sandy and feeling the effects in the weather she left behind. That's about as rough a ride I want to experience in a 737! However, we're safely here and ready for some fun in the sun. It was 29 today, but they promise that will the the hottest day for a while; I'm seeing mostly 27 for daytime highs for the next ten days. The markets were sharply down the first couple of days, and I barely managed to make any gains as the TSX fell over 100 points for the week. I have finished bus driving for now, but I'll check in when we get back there to see if they need me until Christmas time. Wendy arrived home early Monday morning and has been busy all week getting ready to leave for Florida. She got some doctoring done; her cholesterol levels are much improved. She has a messed up right shoulder and has begun therapy on that. The weather was nice most of the week in TBay, but turned cold Friday as we headed south! We'll monitor it from here, but it looks like daytime highs of 5 degrees back home. The World Series has begun. After noting my dismal record of picking winners in the preliminary rounds, both teams pleaded with me not to pick them! I picked Detroit, and they have promptly lost the first three games—sigh! The Riders lost to Toronto this afternoon—they just didn't seem ready at the start, and they didn't turn it around quite enough to complete the comeback. C'mon Riders.
Liam has ventured into power skating this week. We are hoping that will help catch him up to his team mates who have been playing for 5+ years. Haaken has decided he has no interest in doing Beauty and the Beast and so has opted out of musical drama. He is, however, looking forward to Little Shop of Horrors next year. Aunt Aura took a week off work to visit Parksville and take care of the boys while Erica had a business trip to Vancouver. Grampa Bailey is still in the hospital so Gramma Bailey, who was going to come for a visit, had to stay in Langford to keep the doctors on track! Eric/A have received disquieting news about their renter back in Kenora, so we pray that situation gets resolved well.
We have enjoyed regular FaceTime chats with Erin & Kristian. We hope the bandwidth will allow that here in Florida as well. Kristian got new earpieces fitted, but they may need some fine tuning—this is his final set of moulds from Ontario, but they're being installed by his new audiologist in Regina. Erin got her winter tires applied to the car—thanks to Mark and Kal-Tire.
Trav continues with the business work. He designed and produced a new t-shirt for the hockey team featuring a fearsome looking Elk! He's having some concerns with the pickup; we hope it's not serious. Trav and Joanna hosted us for a lovely heading-out-meal on Friday evening. Thanks guys!
And that's about it for this week.

Saturday, October 20

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been showery most of the week, but turned beautifully sunny this weekend, so I got out for a round of golf today. That went well at +11, just a little over my target. The Riders played an exciting game against Montreal this afternoon, but could not complete the comeback as they had two unsuccessful  possessions in the dying minutes. The markets ran well for the first part of the week, but then turned hard downward. I was blessed with an above quota week, so that helps. Wendy has spent the week in Regina. I am looking forward to her return tomorrow. Dad is doing well, although the changing weather does not always allow him to get out for walks. I am over my cold, although there is still the odd coughing episode. Bus driving is going okay; I have one more week of that before we head to Florida for a holiday. 

Eric is back working in The Pas. Erica and the boys are keeping things going at home. Liam continues with his school and hockey practices. Haaken has school and musical practices. 

Erin and Kristian enjoyed having grandma around for the week. Kristian is now outfitted for the winter. Mark beat me in Scrabble this week, so I don't have anything good to report about him!! 

Trav continues his busy work at Ulrich Design. His Elks had their second hockey game, but they lost this time 6-2. Joanna has been enjoying success in soccer; her team is currently tied for first place in the league, and she remains uninjured! I am thankful that the whole crew brought meals on wheels for me last evening! Andrew was sporting his new glasses, and Gemma was preparing for her trip to Winnipeg to see Marianas Trench—very deep, I opined! Today, Trav built a crockpot of his famous chili—that will help my menu choices! 

And that's about it for this week. 

Saturday, October 13

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been cooler and rainy with a couple nights of frost. We enjoyed the Thanksgiving weekend, including turkey dinner with Trav & Joanna, and the Rider victory over Toronto. This afternoon the Riders played in Edmonton with a chance to clinch a playoff spot, but they played poorly and lost. The markets have headed downward all week and I experienced some losses as well. Economic data has been improving, so I'm expecting some turnaround soon. I am gradually getting over my cough, but in the meantime I've only been thinking about golf. Wendy flew to Regina today; she plans to spend the next week there. Dad has been progressing well, but since her brothers are both out of town, Wendy is filling the breach. The first round of playoffs in baseball is over and only one of my four picks came up a winner. I guess Moneyball was correct—it doesn't work in the playoffs! I pick the Yankees and the Cardinals to advance to the final series. 

Erica is glad that Eric was home this week in Parksville, but he's on his way back to The Pas now. Liam has started hockey. Haaken is continuing to progress with his guitar lessons and musical drama. 

We get to see Erin & Kristian from time to time on FaceTime. Wendy will be able to see them face-to-face this week—I'm jealous. Mark keeps me going with Scrabble but usually takes it easy on me. It was good to see all of them enjoying Thanksgiving at the Roberts' house. 

Trav has moved into the regular season with his hockey team. They won their first game 8-1—it's not easy to make that kind of score a come-back victory! Joanna is playing soccer this year and is finding it quite an effort. We enjoyed spaghetti supper with the whole crew last evening—thanks Joanna. 

And that's about it for this week. 

Saturday, October 6

News Update

We're having a happy Thanksgiving weekend here on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. We've enjoyed beautiful weather during the first half of the week, but it has turned colder toward the weekend with frost being threatened tonight. The trees are beautifully coloured, and leaves are carpeting our footsteps in the yard. Today, I blew out the garden hoses and put them away; I've watered down the cedars for a final time. I want to get more leaves hauled into the garden area; we're always needing more vegetable material in the soil here. Bus driving is more complicated now that the church property has changed hands. I would like to get permission to keep parking there during the day, and the dental offices don't look to complete renovations for as much as a year, so it may work out. Wendy continues to have various issues to deal with over the building sale and the completion of church business. She has also turned some attention toward our house renovations. She has booked flights to Regina and back so she can make a visit there for about a week. That excursion is set to begin next Saturday. Dad is continuing to make progress, and she'll be able to see that for herself. The markets have continued to weave troubled ways; I had another green week and have increased my buy-in to almost 50%, so I hope we can make more gains there. Baseball season has ended and I have made my picks for the World Series: I pick the A's to beat the Yankees to win the American League pennant, and the Reds to beat the Nationals to win the National League. The Riders don't play until Thanksgiving Monday this week. Go Riders! 

Eric is thankful to be home from The Pas for the next week (Erica is also). Erica is thankful to get the car repaired, and that the alternator was on warranty. Haaken is thankful that musical theatre started—they're doing Beauty and the Beast. Liam is thankful to start hockey practice—his mom is thankful that practice is not at an ungodly hour of the night! The family is heading to Victoria for the weekend. Jelsing was back in the hospital briefly, so they'd also be thankful for your prayers. 

Kristian has his Hallowe'en costume already; we enjoyed seeing it on FaceTime—he is a fearsome Ninja to be sure. After we recoiled in horror and fear, he was quick to pull off his balaclava and assure us that it was just he! Too cute! Mark has been helping out, and even supplied some game meat from his recent hunting trip. 

Trav is back into hockey with his Elks. They've had two pre-season games, splitting those. It's a young team with a lot of rookies, but he's optimistic that they will do well again. They are defending league champions; it's a tall order to repeat that! His work suffered a set-back this week, but he perseveres. We are planning Thanksgiving dinner with Trav & Joanna tomorrow afternoon. 

And that's about it for this week.