Saturday, October 13

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been cooler and rainy with a couple nights of frost. We enjoyed the Thanksgiving weekend, including turkey dinner with Trav & Joanna, and the Rider victory over Toronto. This afternoon the Riders played in Edmonton with a chance to clinch a playoff spot, but they played poorly and lost. The markets have headed downward all week and I experienced some losses as well. Economic data has been improving, so I'm expecting some turnaround soon. I am gradually getting over my cough, but in the meantime I've only been thinking about golf. Wendy flew to Regina today; she plans to spend the next week there. Dad has been progressing well, but since her brothers are both out of town, Wendy is filling the breach. The first round of playoffs in baseball is over and only one of my four picks came up a winner. I guess Moneyball was correct—it doesn't work in the playoffs! I pick the Yankees and the Cardinals to advance to the final series. 

Erica is glad that Eric was home this week in Parksville, but he's on his way back to The Pas now. Liam has started hockey. Haaken is continuing to progress with his guitar lessons and musical drama. 

We get to see Erin & Kristian from time to time on FaceTime. Wendy will be able to see them face-to-face this week—I'm jealous. Mark keeps me going with Scrabble but usually takes it easy on me. It was good to see all of them enjoying Thanksgiving at the Roberts' house. 

Trav has moved into the regular season with his hockey team. They won their first game 8-1—it's not easy to make that kind of score a come-back victory! Joanna is playing soccer this year and is finding it quite an effort. We enjoyed spaghetti supper with the whole crew last evening—thanks Joanna. 

And that's about it for this week. 

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