Saturday, September 22

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has definitely broken and we're enjoying single digit temperatures over night. We've had a bit of rain, but now they're promising more sunshine. The trees are taking on colour and we enjoyed a drive out of town to see it even more strikingly. The Riders began the week with a loss to Montreal. They played pretty well under the guidance of the backup quarterback since Darian Durant is injured. Tomorrow they have another test as they host Calgary, and Darian is expected to be ready. It has been a busy week for Wendy as she completes paperwork and financial reports for the congregation. She has also spent considerable time and energy working on cleaning up the building and finding a way to get the chairs to Nanaimo. The markets wandered downward this week as they responded to the various headlines. I feel blessed to have made good gains, as I increased my position to about one third invested. Bus driving has continued routinely. Reports from Regina indicate that Dad continues to make progress and is doing well. I had my six-month checkup with my oncologist on Tuesday. My PSA was 11, that's down a little from the last time. 

Eric has toured back to the prairies and took in an opening conference in Thompson. Erica and the boys are managing and checking out new adventures back in Parksville. 

Erin and Kristian had a big week that started with Kristian's seventh birthday. He enjoyed a Rider party at Papa's in Regina. Work and school makes for very busy days for both of them. Mark is back from a successful hunt in the mountains with both meat and stories! 

Trav continues with development of his work, but his main preoccupation this week has been hockey. The draft of the midget teams has been completed and he is pleased with the player selections. Now, we wait to see how effectively they will be moulded into a team. Joanna, Gemma and Andrew were over for a couple of meals this week; we enjoy our times with them. 

And that's about it for this week. 

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