Saturday, March 19

News Update

The week of Spring Break has passed on the shore of Lake Superior, in my hometown. The weather has been mild with some showers and the snow has been disappearing. I do not miss it! The city crews are not keeping up with the development of potholes and I've experienced more than a few wheel-dropping, suspension-jolting hits. I had two work days of First Aid Training since that is a requirement for School Bus drivers. I had a charter on Thursday, so in the end I got in three days of work over the break. In between, I've managed to get things turned around in the markets and managed to show a profit for the week. The Brier closed on Sunday; I was glad to see Jeff Stoughton prevail to become our representative to the World Championships. The Women's World championships start today in Esbjerg, Denmark. I'll be following Amber Holland's progress in that event; she has started off with a win over China.

Wendy has had a busy week of work, including today. The car refused to start for her one day, and I don't know if we've figured out why yet. It did get her looking at new vehicles, so we were out checking out RAV4's and Journeys one evening. We'd love a chance to try one out before buying, but in general we're looking for that sort of vehicle, and it seems there's a lot of choice! Escape, Rogue, Santa Fe, Outlander, CR-V... there could be too much choice!

Erin and Kristian have had a good week. Kristian has had a few days of daycare, and a few days of grandpa care. Last night he had a sleepover at Andrew's. Erin is busy trying to make and keep up with her March Madness picks, all the while following the preseason development of her Jays.

Trav is back to work as usual as his hockey season comes to an end. However, the hockey season for his Penguins is just heating up, and he wonders whether Crosby or any others of their extensive injury list will be ready for the post-season. If not, it could be a short playoff run. Joanna came over to make us supper Friday night. Thanks a lot!

And that's the kind of week it's been.

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