Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been nice most of the week, but has turned cold for the weekend. We did get a bit of rain and snow midweek to add to the driving excitement! It has been a troubled week on the markets as the stocks declined on all North American indices. However, I was blessed with the decision to buy oil last week and even though I sold out short of $99, I managed to make enough to have a very profitable week. My bus let me down one afternoon this week, as it blew the high pressure oil line and drifted to a halt on the side of the highway with a full load of students. After about 25 minutes, the mechanic showed up with a replacement bus, so I was able to transfer my students and carry on. My bus was repaired and ready the next morning. I had my follow up with my oncologist on my most recent PSA results. The week of antibiotics have taken it down some, so he continues to feel that it's only chronic inflammation that is producing the higher than expected PSA levels. We enjoyed have Eric/A and the boys down for the long weekend; they drove back on Monday afternoon after a lovely family day brunch involving all family members. I've been watching women's curling all week. I've been cheering for my old home province, Saskatchewan. They finished the round-robin in first place, and got into the playoffs. They won the semi-final this afternoon over Ontario, so they'll play in the championship game tomorrow.
Wendy has had a busy week with work at Walmart, taking care of all the rest of us, and battling a cold. She is feeling some better, but still coughing a bit. She's off at work again this evening.
Erin & Kristian are doing fine. She also suffered some with a cold early in the week. Kristian seems to be eating a bit more lately, so we're hopeful he'll put on some weight. It's not a difficulty that I can relate to! He's developing so much in his speaking ability; we are proud of him.
Trav's hockey team has completed their regular season and are now started in the playoffs. Of course, that can end quickly, but we hope for good results. He keeps busy with work and Joanna. Joanna has been quite sick, but finally accepted the need for antibiotics and is recovering nicely.