Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been lovely, with one particularly summer-like day giving us a respite from the big storm. Economic news has been very helpful and the markets have reached levels not seen since before the Bush crash in the Fall of 2008. The central effect on our economy is the US economy and things have not been going well there for some years.

However, as the chart shows, the job losses in the US, that began back in 2007, have been arrested and jobs are being gained, thanks to the Bailout initiated by President Bush, and the Stimulus initiated by President Obama. Friday's announcement of 150,000 jobs added in October are the latest indicator that the US economy is starting to recover. The improving situation has allowed me recover as well, and I had another week of above-expectations gains with our investments.
Now that it's over, I do apologize to the Texas Ranger fans; my perfect record of picking all the losers was blemished only by the Phillies winning their first round playoff. The World Serious of Baseball was won by the San Francisco Giants. It was the first trip to the series for the Rangers franchise, and the first victory for the Giants since they moved from New York over fifty years ago. The CFL regular season is ending this weekend, and we looking forward to the playoffs there as well. The Riders ended the season on a winning note, and will host BC Lions in the divisional semi-final next weekend. Go Riders, Go!
I have completed all the prerequisites and have been accepted to begin training as a school bus driver. That may start next week. One highlight of my medical was the vision screening as my laser enhanced eyes graded out at 20/20 (20/15 actually) and I still only need to use reading glasses occasionally! I am very pleased with the continuing benefits provided by the PRK surgery six years ago. Wendy started work on the Dollarama job today, and she has continued interviews and the hiring process with Walmart as well. She begins a training phase there next week. It appears we may soon have more employment than we can stand!
Wendy and I have completed another round of teeth cleaning with the local dental hygienists' program. It takes longer, but it provides training opportunities for them, and an inexpensive dental checkup for us. I have finally learned a technique for flossing my teeth—old dogs indeed!
Erin and Kristian have had a good week. Kristian did have a bad time on Wednesday when he discovered he was not a participant in the Pizza Lunch at school! He would not accept that while many other students were getting pizza, he had to get by with the lunch his mom had packed for him! He ended up having a quiet lunch hour in the principal's office, where he finally decided to eat his own lunch.
Trav remains busy with work and preparations for his trip to Pittsburgh. This weekend, his hockey team is in a local tournament, so that is keeping him extra busy. But they're doing well, and have finished the round-robin portion undefeated so they're in the semi finals.
And that's about it for this week.
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