Saturday, September 6

News Update

Another week has passed, and we have begun another trip away from the shore of Lake Superior. I managed to get a few things done as far as work is concerned before we left, and thanks to the internet and my cell phone, I am also able to work along the way.

The week started with a long weekend for Labour Day, so we enjoyed that. The Riders won again, and remain in first place, so that was good. Wendy and I took in the Hymer Fall Fair in the community of Hymer about half an hour from Thunder Bay. There were plenty of livestock, especially poultry and rabbits, but also horses, cattle and pigs. There were many other kinds of displays and promotions, so we had fun. The weather was very hot over the weekend, even up into the thirties, so it seemed a shame, but Wendy felt it was time to take down the pool for the season. We completed that and got it put away before heading west.

We packed up a truck load of stuff for Kenora, and on Wednesday, Travis and Wendy drove that up to Kenora. The trip was a bit of an adventure since a fuel tanker had rolled on the Trans-Canada and was on fire, so the road was closed. They had to detour around by Fort Francis and then back north. I was about an hour ahead of them, riding Erica's Gold Wing (taking it up to Kenora for her), and I was able to travel the highway, so the accident happened shortly after I passed by. I encountered the road blocks to eastbound traffic as I continued west.

Travis was taking his laptop to Kenora to get a replacement keyboard. He accomplished that on Thursday morning, and then took the bus home again. We continued west on Friday. A call of panic from a school required me to stop in Winnipeg and fine a hotspot so I could help with the problem. Then we carried on to Dauphin, arriving about supper time.

We are enjoying a reunion with the congregation in Dauphin where we spent over ten years. It is certainly a fulfilling experience coming home, and, through the adventures of our lives, we've been blessed to have many homes to come back to.

And that's the kind of week it's been.

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