The week starts on the shore of the Wascana as we celebrate Wendy's birthday. We enjoy fellowshipping with the group at Glen Elm in Regina on Sunday morning, and take it easy for the day.
On Monday, Wendy is off to Watrous for a weeklong retreat, while I continue to enjoy Regina and tech upgrades until Wednesday when I head off to Winnipeg. Thank you, Ellis, Rich & Sue for your hospitality. We get a batch of distressing news on Tuesday, as we find out Roger Peterson has passed on; and then later we find out that Aunt Carole's diagnosis has been confirmed as cancerous. Please remember these families in your prayers. The drive to Winnipeg goes fine, and I settle in at Mike & Peggy's--Thank you, Talitha for your room!
My Brier experience begins in earnest on Thursday. The tickets are great--I am four rows up near the home end. I enjoy great curling, and I am able to collect a full set of autographs from the players and coaches. The tickets include free use of the transit system, so that saves a lot of bother with traffic and particularly with parking downtown in Winnipeg! My long-time hero Kevin Martin is here representing Alberta, although he has a fairly new team these last two years. Of course, my sentimental favourite is Pat Simmons of Saskatchewan and they are also doing very well. I get to watch all the teams today as they play through three draws to determine playoff rankings. Alberta and Saskatchewan are on top of the heap. Another full day of draws on Friday narrow it down to three teams who will play the weekend. A last rock 'pick' (the rock caught on debris and went astray) costs Sask the victory over Alberta, so Martin is on the way to Sunday's final, and Simmons has to play Glenn Howard of Ontario in the semi-final.
The semi-final is Saturday afternoon, Simmons versus Howard, and it's another good game. Simmons comes back well from the shocking loss last night, and pushes Howard to an extra end, but we fall short by one. Too bad, but he was certainly the crowd favourite. Now we wait until tomorrow evening to see the final between Martin and Howard (both guys have two first names!).
Erin reports that Kristian is getting better, but has been doing a lot of sleeping this week. I've also had a few chats with Trav on line. Wendy attends the Roger Peterson funeral in Weyburn and is headed to Winnipeg via Greyhound over night. I'm expecting her at 5:30 tomorrow morning.
And that's about it for this week.
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