The week started off frigidly cold here on the shore of Lake Superior, but we're back near freezing with above zero and rain in the forecast.

I've had quite a week. I started off on Sunday, trying to take Kristian skating, but he was both sore from his ankle injury and tired, so I went on my own. That went okay, but I found my reconstructed ankle wasn't quite the same size and shape that my skate remembered so I had to quit after about fifteen minutes. On Monday evening, as I trotted from the parking lot to dance class, I hit a bad patch, turned my suspect ankle and went down in a heap. My ankle puffed up like it had a tennis ball attached and we spent the dance class in emergency! The x-rays were inconclusive, but the doctor feels the injury in limited to ligament damage and put me back in an air-cast. I'll get another check with my bone doctor later when the swelling dissipates.
Tuesday through Thursday saw me travelling to Armstrong (one of my schools) where I hobbled around and did report card training. The drywalling is on the back burner for a bit until I'm able to put more weight on my left foot.
Kristian finally got into see the eye specialist on Wednesday. It was none too soon; he has a serious bacterial eye infection. It has already resulted in some ulceration of the cornea, but not within the visual range. He's on antibiotics and steroids and really enjoys the cleansing operations with a warm potato twice a day as well as the drops and other medications. Poor little guy! Erin got new glasses this week, so it was a spectacular week for that part of the family!
Wendy continues with her usual babysitting and work around home. She is also enjoy playing Scrabble on line in the Scrabulous application of Facebook.
And that's about it for this week.