Another week has passed, and we have returned to the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather here is comfortable, but punctuated with wind and rain. I finally managed to get back to my bike riding today, and even then it was a tough go in the wind. We began the week in Winnipeg, where Tom & Mariette gifted us with a relaxing weekend. We drove home on Sunday under increasing clouds which turned out to be the harbinger of the week. We have returned to our family here, and our 10-year renovation project! We had visitors Monday, as Dave & Heather stopped in on their way east, and spent the night. Good to see you! We had another visitor on our street—but he wasn't welcome, and did not come in!
Young bear walking down our street!
We discussed and planned a few next steps during the Sunday drive, and I've begun work on the back entry before running into a roadblock there. So, I switched to the new closet which features recovered space over the stairwell. I got the shelving designed and built for the major part of that, and also completed the plan for the old linen/broom closet areas which have all been combined into the new storage closet. Now, Wendy is patching, priming and painting in there. Once that is completed, I will install the shelves. The infection rates of the coronavirus have picked up again, and that's with some countries actively suppressing the testing and the results. World-wide, September 4th posted the highest number to date. This is quite a concern, as the next wave is not expected to top out for another month or so. There are encouraging rumbles about virus trials, but it's become impossible to separate the science from the politics. The markets began the week in rally mode, but that turned sharply downward as continued Republican intransigence on a stimulus plan discouraged investors in the USA, and we can't go far without them! Canadian stocks posted their worst week in three months, and I suffered along with the rest! I hope the politicians get an earful from their constituents over the long weekend, and can get moving on recovery next week. At least Mnuchin was talking in more conciliatory tones, so I'm hopeful. The hockey playoffs have completed another round, so it's just the semis and finals to go. I'm picking Vegas to beat Tampa Bay in the final series. It's Dallas vs Vegas in the West, while Lightning take on Islanders in the East, with all games played in Edmonton. The Blue Jays continue to fly upward in the abbreviated baseball season, and moved into second-place with the Yankees this weekend. Ten of their final twenty games are against the Yankees, so their fate is definitely in their own hands.
Erica writes, "Liam moved back to Caronport on Friday. He found a really, really nice one-bedroom apartment. After a late start, we managed to shred the tarp on the way to Saskatoon. So, we picked up a new tarp and some bungee cords to tie it down better. That got us to Caronport. Unfortunately, we ended up three hours later than expected and didn’t have any helpers. But, Liam and I managed to unload the trailer and Venza on our own. Eric arrived later with supper and the last few things. Now, Liam just needs to organize. I am back to work after the long weekend. It has been a really nice long break, having the whole summer off. I wonder if I can find a way to do this year round. Eric was hopeful with the Canucks forcing a game seven. However, it wasn’t to be and he is back in 'next season' discussions."
Erin has continued with her air-fryer experiments, and by all accounts things are turning out deliciously! Only problem being—Kristian consumes most of the batch! The weather in Regina has moderated as well, and there have even been warnings of overnight frost. Kristian has been pet-sitting and plant-minding this week. He completed, checked off, and graded his task list!
A+ for sure!
He is ready to start classes next week. The plan for his high school is for the students to take their coursework in Quints—they'll take two classes, one in the morning, the other in the afternoon, over the course of about 35 days. It'll be an interesting experiment to see how students manage the long class sessions. They are appreciating Wendy's repainting and updating of the main floor washroom.
Repainted Half-Bath added corner shelf |
It was great to reunite with Travis, Joanna, Gemma and Andrew, although we haven't seen Andrew yet. Gemma continues to live in our basement. Joanna is mostly back at work now, and reports that the business there is quite busy. Trav has been by to print a few projects, so he's getting at least some business. Gemma had a good summer in her research project. Andrew has been off work for the last while; he's getting ready to head back to college, taking Policing. Trav and I commiserate over the Stanley Cup Playoffs, but the family has done well in their assessment of the results so far as three of them had Vegas playing Tampa Bay in the final.
And that's enough for this week.