We've had a cool week on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. After picking my tomatoes last Saturday, we had frost on Sunday, just like it was waiting for me to get ready! We've had regular frosty nights since, and most trees have now turned, and many have lost their leaves onto my lawn! I cut the lawns on Thursday for what I think is the final time for this cycle. The markets have been volatile, but overall they were up this week. However, I must have made the wrong choices, because my picks were down, and I'll need four above average days next week to make my monthly quota. Work has been going fine. We had a union meeting to day to vote on the latest offer from the company; that narrowly passed. The World Series has begun, and my team has fallen behind 2-1 with a loss this evening. It's on the PVR for later viewing as the Riders played this evening as well. Riders lost a tight game in Calgary, so they will have to settle for second place. They will play BC in the semi-finals in two weeks. Go Riders! Wendy has been putting in a lot of hours at Big Lots; they had their grand opening yesterday. I stopped in for their door opening specials, however, seeing the crowds, they had opened early and I missed out!
Liam had his toe surgery and treatment, now we await the recovery. He, Haaken and Erica travelled to Vancouver on Wednesday evening, as Erica had a conference, and the boys had days off due to PD days. The boys rested, relaxed and chilled out on Thursday—with a nap time in there somewhere. Then the crew went exploring Vancouver streets; Erica was pleased the boys could find their way back afterwards. Eric planned to join them for supper, but the float plane was fogged in, so he came later via ferry. Eric and the boys toured Emily Carr University on Friday. Haaken thinks it's pretty cool; Liam doesn't want to think about the future! They also visited the Aquarium, and took a ride on the Haunted Hallowe'en train through Stanley Park. They're spending the weekend with Tony & Lisa—thanks, guys!
Erin & Kristian are also busy with Hallowe'en activities. Kristian is dressing as some kind of a warrior!
Trav has updated his hockey blog to include all five games played this season. His team is now at 3-2 overall. He blew out another tire on his car. He's finding that the combination of low-profile tires and potholes is not a good mix! Joanna keeps busy in her new job. Gemma scored one of those new coloured iPhones, a product of her summer job.
And that's about enough for this week!
And that's about enough for this week!