A beautifully sunny week has phased the fluffy rain into its proper format! The golf courses are open, although not ready for play yet; the greens and tee boxes remain covered. At least I am able to practise outside. The markets ran well all week, and I gained more than my quota, recovering from last week's bad results as the US showed improving employment data and growing GDP. I blame Obama! Bus driving continues to go well although Spring has brought us into pothole season! Wendy had more sessions with the chiropractor and reports improvement. We've been able to get out for some walks in the neighbourhood. We took our new vehicle for a run today down to Grand Marais to Sven & Ole's Pizza! That was fun and tasty! I have started yard work; Wendy is doing a sewing project—another new outfit! We are in the planning stages of our trip to Texas next month. We haven't decided what to do with the old car. The baseball season has begun; the Blue Jays are seriously under-performing. The hockey season is ending; playoffs begin next week. I will be cheering for the Leafs to take it as far as they can, but my head is with the Penguins. In the other conference, I'll be cheering for the Canucks.
Eric is back home with news that he may be able to graduate in June. He is looking forward to proceeding from professional student to professional, but is finding there is a lot of competition for available counseling positions. Erica has spent part of the week in Kelowna at a trustees conference. While there she enjoyed a visit with John & Marion. She returned to Victoria today. Haaken is pricing out guitar amps—pricey! He continues to enjoy school and guitar, but not church or youth group, sigh—the challenges of youth! Liam is continuing with football, playing the defensive line and appalled that he was expected to "sack" the quarterback—further explanation was needed there! Eric is able to help with this education. The housing situation remains complicated and stressful. The lease is ending for their renters in Kenora, and their rented place in Parksville is up for sale! Yikes! Erica has been suffering with neck and back pain, but is finding massage therapy helps—but costs!
Erin is back in the internet world, so we were able to Facetime with them. They are not enjoying good health with hacking and congestion that may be related to allergies. Kristian showed us his growing new teeth and another lose tooth. The tooth fairy is counting the costs! Looks like Grandpa will have to plan another trip to Regina so we can get that tooth out.
Trav got some scratches on his new car—oh, the pain of the first defilement! Joanna is enjoying her new job. Gemma and Andrew got cell phones this week—I got my first at age 53; times have changed. Trav is ready to sell the truck; we hope that goes quickly and well.
And that's about it for this week.