Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior. The weather has been quite nice, with only a little fresh snow today. I have spent most of my work time on the data project and preparing to present three sessions at the conference next week. I also have turned in two service proposals for the Boards to consider. These could provide some additional work over the next six months if they are accepted.
I have spent some additional hours in bed trying to short-circuit a cold that has been making the rounds of our household. Kristian brought it home, and ended up missing a couple days of work (day-care). Wendy got a bad dose of it and eventually had to visit the doctor and get some antibiotics. I've been fighting it for the last few days of the week, but I'm coughing a bit and was fighting that as I performed a marriage this afternoon. Dean & Kelly Haskayne were married–a lovely and short ceremony! And I did break down and wear a suit and tie for their occasion—the sacrifices I make!
Otherwise life continues, and we are no nearer determining what the next stage will bring. We do have a few options, but we aren't feeling particularly attracted by (or attached to) any of them.
Trav is part way through his final semester now, and with his light load is also managing to get quite a few hours in at work, so that's going well.
And that's about it for this week.
I have spent some additional hours in bed trying to short-circuit a cold that has been making the rounds of our household. Kristian brought it home, and ended up missing a couple days of work (day-care). Wendy got a bad dose of it and eventually had to visit the doctor and get some antibiotics. I've been fighting it for the last few days of the week, but I'm coughing a bit and was fighting that as I performed a marriage this afternoon. Dean & Kelly Haskayne were married–a lovely and short ceremony! And I did break down and wear a suit and tie for their occasion—the sacrifices I make!
Otherwise life continues, and we are no nearer determining what the next stage will bring. We do have a few options, but we aren't feeling particularly attracted by (or attached to) any of them.
Trav is part way through his final semester now, and with his light load is also managing to get quite a few hours in at work, so that's going well.
And that's about it for this week.