Saturday, October 25

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior. We've spent the week around TBay, working out of the home office. Several calls with schools allowed me to assist them with their student information systems as they prepare for the next big round of activity—October reports to the ministry of education. Then on Friday afternoon, I presented to our Supervisory Officers on the topic of data analysis. We are trying to train them in the use of TinkerPlots, a wonderful little program that allows dynamic interaction with data. The session went very well—above my expectations—as the SO's engaged very well with the data and showed great interest. This is very gratifying to me as it represents the truly valuable facet of what I've been working on the last three years in my project. Now we're truly (and finally) starting to make use of the data to produce information that may help improve our schools. I'm also working on another data project where our schools supply data to the regional data warehouse. That was due yesterday, but one of our schools still has not supplied their data!

Wendy has been working out regularly at the gym or pool. She's on a physical fitness kick! She has also applied for another job. My paycheques end next month, so we're both considering the future a little more seriously (and she, a little more seriously than I!). She gave me her doctor's appointment on Tuesday as I have a clogged oil gland in my back that is now causing me a problem. So, I'll be going in to have that excised on November 5th (right after the US voters hopefully excise the Republicans from the White House).

Erin has recently got a raise at work, but not as much as she wanted, and certainly no where close to what she deserves! Kristian is doing well, talking a bit more and we're enjoying having him around. Trav continues with several jobs as well as his final year in University. He is gradually getting his finances back in order—they had taken quite a down turn.

And that's about it for this week.

Saturday, October 18

News Update

Another week has passed here on Lake Superior in the Canadian Shield. We've been around town all week. I haven't had too much to do, which is good as I've just got over one cold, and I have another! The weather has been nice, but my health has prevented me from getting to the golf course.

Monday, of course, was Thanksgiving, so we enjoyed the day with family around. Then Tuesday was election day for Canada, and we took our turns as participants and observers. Wendy even worked at our local poll as scrutineer in the evening. She watched the counting of ballots to ensure all was done fairly. It's quite a good system, our southern neighbour should try it some time. The country maintains the voters' list, all ballots are cast with a simple X on a paper ballot, and the counting is completed within a couple of hours. No big issues with voter fraud, machine fraud, hanging chads!, disenfranchisement—just each person being able to express their choice! What a concept! We were also happy as our local favourite was elected to parliament; he's tried several times and has finally been successful.

Wednesday, I was off to see my oncologist. He reported that my PSA level was unchanged, and he reported that the DRE felt good—on that point, I disagreed! In any case, I am scheduled for my next check-up next April. I feel reassured that he is keeping tabs on the situation.

I have been working a little on a data project related to my schools. All Junior and Senior Kindergarten and grade one students are being tested on their oral language abilities. These is a multi-faceted set of tests that can produce around forty individual items of data on each student. I have established data sheets to track the data and feed it into a larger data base for studies of the various factors that may need to be considered and improved to assist these students. This project comes to a deadline early next week, so I collecting data from the schools and assembling it for submission to the regional data base.

Aside from election activities, Wendy keeps busy with home and church activities. She has also resumed a more vigorous work-out routine, so that keeps her going.

Erin & Kristian are beginning preparations for Hallowe'en. Kristian is suffering with a cold as well; I don't know if he gave it to me, or vice versa! Perhaps we'll get to carving a pumpkin soon!

Trav keeps busy with his school work, his graphic design and web site contracts, his delivery work and hockey. His Penguins are doing only so-so!

And that's about it for this week!

Saturday, October 4

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior, where the weather has taken a turn toward fall, and we've had our first frost.

My week has been occupied with work. Tuesday was a special treat as I was asked to provide a workshop for a group of secretaries from First Nations' schools. These particular schools fall within a group called Private Inspected by the Ontario Ministry of Education. This means that they are provincial schools—as opposed to the many First Nations' schools that are federally funded—so they fall under provincial mandates. Despite that (imagine this!) they were overlooked during the initiation of the MISA (Managing Information for Student Achievement) program that I've been part of for the last three years. Belatedly, it seems, the Ministry has turned its attention in their direction. Thus, last spring, they sent out a delegation from the capital to bring these benighted souls up to speed! After this was evaluated as an unmitigated disaster (although the presenters felt it went well—no questions were asked!), local officials began looking around for an alternative solution. In due course, they called and, always being the sucker for a lost cause, I accepted. It turned out well. My relationship with OnSIS, forged in fire, proved fruitful in getting practice userids for them, so they could actually get on line and practise the skills we wanted them to learn (what a concept!). Naturally, a once-shot attempt won't be enough, so we shall see whether this opens up other opportunities. I also worked three days as Territorial Student counsellor, so it was a full week.

Thursday morning greeted us with a frost, so we had to complete the tomato harvest. We now have tomatoes ripening at various spots around the kitchen! We also harvested one of the pumpkins (we don't really know what they are, but they were advertised as pumpkins) and I'm enjoying devouring some delicious pumpkin loaves (they taste a lot like pumpkin loaves!).

I have also come down with a cold, so I'm currently working to overcome that before we head out to Savant Lake for a week of teaching. Wendy will join me on that adventure next week.

Wendy has continued with her usual activities including job hunting, wall-paper scraping, exercising and taking care of the rest of us. Erin & Kristian have continued to do well. Travis continues with work, school and hockey—the NHL season has started!

And that's about it for this week.